The electronic facilities offered by the service commun de la documentation de l'université Lyon 3 : an evolving situation
The service commun de la documentation (scd) de l'université Lyon 3 offers various facilities on the university network that brings together the integrated libraries and their associates spread over three sites. From 1993 to 1995, the scd put in place two classic and proven services : a cd-rom network and a system of library management which has permitted the creation of a common catalogue. An access post for the Internet was also installed in each library. In 1995 and 1996, the scd steered the construction of a new university library : a building of 5,000 m2 was opened in 1996, an extension of equal size is anticipated for 1998. The bias toward transparency and flexibility adopted for this construction has also driven the reorganization of services on the network. The posts of the new siber system, therefore, offer students and researchers a unique and ergonomic interface with various services : access to library server Z39.50, to the basis of a multimedia system in the process of creation, to cd-rom, to an organized choice of Internet resources, to tools for the conception and discharge of documents.