The Access to the grey literature : contribution of the technical and scientific documentation center of the CNRS.
Grey literature is not integrated in normal commercial circuit and often escapes bibliographical controls, which makes it difficult to collect, treat and communicate. It is seldom found in data bases. The efforts of several national (National Technical Information service of the United states, British library lending division of Great Britain) and international (data base SIGLE) organisms are described before discussing the decentralized system in France. In this system, the scientific and documentation center of the CNRS acquires each year for the PASCAL data base and document delivery all the scientific and technical dissertations presented in French universities, 1700 research reports and 1800 congress proceedings. It publishes specialized catalogues for each of these different types of document. It participates in World Transindex, a data base for translations, and it works with the French Atomic energy Commission within the framework of SIGLE.