Training centres for careers in librarianship (CFCBs): assessment and perspectives
Analysis, reflections and testimony of five directors of regional training centres for careers in librarianship, make it possible to address the challenges, the questions and the difficulties encountered by the CFCBs. How to build up an offer adapted to the needs for continuing education of library staff, establish concerted training plans which will accompany the changes and respond to the restrictive procedures of public markets? Relying on a knowledge of the regional territory and on its partners (on a regional and national scale notably with the Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale -The National Centre for the Territorial Public Sector), the CFCBs have adapted to the evolution in ongoing training, competitive exams and diplomas, from the CAFB (Certificate of Aptitude in the office of librarian) to University diplomas integrated with the LMD (BA, MA, Phd).