Specialised collections for contemporary history: some original material of the Bibliothèque de documentation internationale contemporaine

As a library for research into contemporary history, the BDIC needs to amass a multiplicity of documentary sources and, in particular, some original collections of archives, constituting primary sources that are indispensable to the historian. The means of collecting are varied (donations, concerted programmes of collection of archives); it is carried out in collaboration with researchers, with whom the valuation of the material is worked out, through a variety of activities (seminars, round tables and symposia, publications). The themes of these specialised collections correspond to the subjects of the BDIC's collections: political and social history of the 20th century, wars and conflicts, international relations. These collections are dealt with in accordance with current archival practices, and descriptions of them are already partly in Sudoc; the retroconversion of the old catalogue entries and the production of an index of the material are under way.