Transborder cooperation between universities and libraries : EUCOR

Cooperation between libraries at the heart of the universities of the EUCOR network - Basle, Fribourg, Karlsruhe, Mulhouse and the three universities of Strasbourg - has existed since 1989. The agreement which unites EUCOR's members has as its objective the free exchange of research and teaching material, notably reciprocal use, free of obstacles, of the institutions and their opportunities of teaching for the students of the member universities, as well as the common implementation of teaching and research programmes. The libraries of these universities - to which are added the library of the Land de Bade at Karlsruhe and the national and university library of Strasbourg - cooperate in the area of services and interlibrary lending. This cooperation has resulted in the creation of a union catalogue, the publication of a guide to the member libraries and the regular production of an information bulletin.