An Infancy and Book Programme in Val-de-Seine : February 1997-February 1999
Within the framework of a cultural policy managed by the Syndicat intercommunal du contrat de ville de Val-de-Seine, a reading programme aimed at infants has been conducted since 1997 with a double objective: the prevention of illiteracy and the favouring of personality development through access to books and writings from the earliest age; to structure a territory marked by a retardation in the area of public literacy, in the development of a network and in mobilizing professionals in different fields, around the médiathèque des Mureaux directed so as to become a centre for inter-communal resources. This action, managed with the association ACCES, has brought in close to two hundred people through its bias towards book donations to all the structures concerned, to placements, to meetings and to presentational work which has been progressively extended, to produce results throughout the whole network of public literacy in Val-de-Seine.