The second era of the multimedia library

The important development of libraries between 1980 and 1992 covers a complex reality. The library took its place inside the city, adapted itself to the evolution of the technologies of information and is now a multimedia library, open to successive changes, imagining and creating its own innovations. A global evaluation seems to be possible : missions, services offered by the multimedia library, communication of the collections and concepts of the multimedia system, definition of the public (identity, habits, etc.). Some lessons can be extracted, from the social and cultural function assigned by local leaders as well as from the answers given here and there to the particularities and obligations of the new media. The second era of the multimedia library begins then with this evaluation associated with the effects of a more appreciable situation of recession. Some trends are becoming clear, agreements are leading to regroupings or partnerships. The notion of « objectives » becomes more pertinent, the choice of priorities more imperative...