Guidelines for bibliographic information

There are 3 parts in this file : the final step of the guidelines, the Bureau Marcel van Dijk report and the circular sent by the Minister of Culture to services responsible for public libraries. The guidelines suggest to create a national reference base from the entries of the National library and National phonograph records library. A state agency will be in charge of records marketing. The cooperative shared cataloguing network (ex-Libra) will disappear from December 1990 the 31st. The circular resumes the main points of the guidelines. The van Dijk report presents the results of a qualitative and quantitative test on several hundred records in public or university libraries. The 5 bibliographical bases to be found in the French market have been evaluated: BN OPALE, Electre, Sibil, OCLC, cooperative network. Tables give information on matching rate, different types of entries in permanent areas in each base and compare the differences of some books in detail.