Typewritten and typewriting : for a bibliologic approach, some remarks about a colloquium

A colloquium about typewriter organized on October 1980 by the Book studies Institute allows to investigate a new area of research for bibliology. It bases that creation of typewriter was, in a way, unexpected but it leads to disruptions of which list is not yet closed. Use of typewriter have und'oubted consequences on literary creativeness, it wrecks typographic tradition of styles'engravers. Typewriter bases into the offices a hierarchy between production and conception; from which the actual problem of status for new operatormaids who have to use text-processers. These new keyboard-machines probably demand redeployment of many typists. So, is it necessary to go on teaching typewriting ? And to whom ? What can we think about new journalistic texts straight written from press-agencies dispatches, about scientific publishing without typographic composition, or about all the underground literatures? This colloquium permits to ask all these questions and to check warning that Pierre Schaeffer directed to participants : "Machines are not harmless"